The first Hyderabad Wiki meetup is planned for Oct 10, Sunday 3 PM 
Please do signup if you are attending. 
Also please spread the word about the meetup.... If possible , can somebody forward it to Telugu Wikipedia mailing list too ?

All the best wishes for the Hyderabad Wiki meetup . Please note that Wikimeetups will be held at Bangalore & Mumbai on the same day. 

Tinu Cherian 

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 3:59 PM, CherianTinu Abraham <> wrote:
Hi folks,
            I am in touch with a few folks and Wikipedians in Hyderabad for a Wikimeetup @Hyd. Please drop me a personal mail  to tinucherian ( at) gmail ( dot) com , if you are interested, so that I can keep you also in loop. Date & Venue is still being discussed.

Tinu Cherian