Dear all,

  The Wikimedia Foundation will be participating as a mentoring organization in the upcoming round of Outreach Program for Women. Two out of the six women who qualified for the internship during the last round were Indians. Hoping to see many Indian women qualify for the mentorship this time!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sumana Harihareswara <>
Date: Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 10:26 PM
Subject: [Gendergap] please spread the word about Wikimedia's paid open source internships for women

We'll be participating as a mentoring organization in the upcoming
round.  The interns who are just finishing up their current round with

Some key points:

* USD$5000 for 3 months of full-time work
* can work remotely from anywhere
* doesn't have to be coding; documentation, testing, systems
administration, marketing, and design are also possible
* newbies to open source are welcome
* applicants don't have to be students
* trans women and genderqueer/genderfluid folks are welcome
* applicants should START NOW since applications are collaborative!

If you know a motivated woman who has never worked in technology before,
who's a good communicator and a diligent worker, and whose career is
stagnating, this is the PERFECT opportunity for her to cross-train and
start on a new, more lucrative path!  Please spread the word.

Sumana Harihareswara
Engineering Community Manager
Wikimedia Foundation

Gendergap mailing list

Netha Hussain
Student of Medicine and Surgery
Govt. Medical College, Kozhikode

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