Thanks Pradeep for the post!

Pranav, this could be great if Bengaluru, Mumbai and Delhi community have their meetup at the same time so we could hangout and say hi to each other. Could I also request to connect community members with the creative commons guys so they can spend some time with the participants over a video chat?

On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 11:23 AM, Pranav Curumsey <> wrote:
Hi Arun,

Since you mentioned this, thought it may be a good idea to let everyone know of something in the pipeline. A few days back the chapter was informed of an impending visit to India by members of the Creative Commons team from San Francisco and the EC was introduced to them.

We have exchanged a few emails and the chapter will possibly co-host some workshops for CC in Mumbai, Bangalore and Delhi in February 2013, possibly involving some other like-minded organisations. There is also talk of holding a workshop during Gnunify in Pune. We are still exploring different possible themes for these workshops.

We encourage any members of the community that may be interested in helping organise these events to come forward and contact the chapter.

Kind Regards,

On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 9:08 AM, Arun Ramarathnam <> wrote:
Thanks for sharing this Pradeep. This is perhaps a good time to do Commons focused events in various cities....


Arun Ramarathnam
Bangalore, India |

On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 9:00 AM, Pradeep Nair <> wrote:


Creative Commons, the license that Wikipedia and its sister projects have been using turns 10 this year.

Their celebrations - - last for 10 days from December 7 to 16. If you have a meetup in that period, perhaps we can celebrate.


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