rediff/TOI comment board in Wikipedia!!.

If this is added in India articles, we would need a  huggle like first person shooter for feedback moderation to keep things sane.

On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 3:58 PM, Srikanth Lakshmanan <> wrote:

Some of you might have followed the recent improvement with Artcle Feedback Tool v5 (AFTv5) , for those who didnt please read[1]. Even before reading the entire page, something struck me. The design is strangely synonymous with Indian comment boards. I strongly feel, having this on India articles will generate more trash than any feedback and 100x load more on editors to cut the junk, moderate etc. If you are not familiar with Indian message boards, please read[2] (That was a very tough RS to catch which is self mocking given the site's reputation!). AFTv5 is looking for feedback, I hope this thread can give some constructive feedback given the list audience's familiarity with Indian message boards.

PS : Am also poking Oliver Keyes to follow this thread.



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