Hello All,

Tamil Wiki Community is currently organizing a 3 month long media contest[1][2] with the aim of increasing media files related to Tamil / Tamilians / Tamil culture to be used in Tamil Wiki Projects and encouraging non-text contributions from users who could contribute easily through pictures, sounds, videos. Total prize money of 850 USD is up for grabs. As such within a week of starting the contest, we have got over 350 images from participants in India and Srilanka. Apart from images which can be used on Wikipedia pages, pronunciation files are also being uploaded to be used in Wiktionary. Arrangements are on to get it widely publicized on print / radio / television media across places with Tamil population. Facebook[3] is also helping a lot in getting traction. Spread out the word, also do participate!

[1] http://ta.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contest/en
[2] http://ta.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contest
[3] http://www.facebook.com/tawmc
