Cross-posting here, since it features some data, examples and videos from India.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bishakha Datta <>
Date: Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 10:34 AM
Subject: Listening to the dogs of data: Wikipedia and the gender gap
To: Increasing female participation in Wikimedia projects <>

Dear all,

In June this year, I attended the Info-Activism Camp run by Tactical Technology, on the theme of Evidence and Influence.

Following this, I was asked to contribute a piece on wikipedia's gender gap, which has just been published:

All comments welcome, ideally on the post itself, so that non-listers can also follow any discussion that may emerge.

Many thanks in particular to Sue Gardner and Joseph Reagle, for their most insightful blog posts, which are linked.

And there's lots of interesting stuff in the MicroMag on Gender and Violence, in which this piece was published:
