Hi Ashwin,

On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 4:38 PM, Ashwin Baindur <ashwin.baindur@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Arjuna,

It is so good to get your whole-hearted support and clarifications :) . We support the chapter in every way and are glad that the chapter is fully supporting the community. The clarifications therein have put to rest the concerns of the community. These, imho, have arisen from a lack of communication and we request that such a situation should not rise again and frank and fair communication be resorted to by all parties concerned.

We look forward to your mature guidance to the OC and active and useful participation from Gautam & Arun in the committee. With the chapter's support, I'm sure the event will be a great success. Further, with the full support of the chapter, the community's accomplishments will be such that national chapter India can raise their heads high in the annual chapter meetup next year and in the years to come.

Thanks for your mail and understanding. I am sure that  organizing this event at the national scale will throw up  challenges,  which can be met  by active participation of all stakeholders.
Let's go forth and organise :-) !
Sure. Look forward to contributing to make this event a success.
