I beg to differ Gautum. Since, it was made part of the curriculum this almost constitutes as cheating. I am not sure about lofty first world standards but
I would be failed for cheating just about anywhere in the world.

Second, if we don't uphold the "WMF policies" (they are actually project policies, not the foundation's) in an officially sanctioned and financed program, then who will?

If we were to take this idea further, why respect any local copyright at all? or at least the one in Global South. We can just add copyrighted images and books right off from anywhere, forget about CC or any attempt at working on Open-source licenses. 

As always, I agree with Beria. If those student were to be graded for this project, they should be failed.


On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 3:11 PM, Gautam John <gautam@prathambooks.org> wrote:
On 12 September 2011 13:16, Hisham Mundol <hmundol@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> (Some) students in the Pune pilot have copy-pasted copyright material onto
> their articles.  We are taking these copyvios extremely seriously and here's
> a summary of the action that we have taken.

You know, Hisham, it's nice that the WMF takes this seriously but we
might be over blowing it a tad too far. The WMFs policies work really
well in a 1st world environment where there is great sensitivity to
copyright and violations. In India, it's a different kettle of fish
and we need to treat it as such.

Yes, it is important to explain why copyvivos are important (and from
an academic, plagiarism point of view too) but the bigger issue if
intellectual honesty.

I think they'll do just fine!

Thank you.



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