I think right now, we can start by sending out a message to everybody who we know?
Spread the message?
On Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, IRC etc. ?
Or wear a T-shirt [I know it's stupid, I can get one though].
I'm serious about all of these, we need to do something. I have had numerous arguments with Juniors at College about this issue.
Getting in touch with the Minister isn't really an easy task. As Srikanth said, a banner campaign is a good start.
Srikanth R.

On 31 March 2011 15:43, Srikanth Lakshmanan <srik.lak@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 14:10, Gautam John <gautam@prathambooks.org> wrote:
On 30 March 2011 11:49, Srikanth Lakshmanan <srik.lak@gmail.com> wrote:

> Getting sick of this popular "urban legand". Why dont we run a site notice
> banner for "atleast India" alone for 2 months. """ Please Note :- Wikipedia
> and Wikileaks are 2 different things""" and link to a detailed note.

Srikanth, to be fair, I think he does see it as two different things
or so the quote implies. What he might incorrectly allude to is a
linkage between the two but his criticism of Wikipedia is the model of
knowledge creation.

At best it could have been the usual misqouting / edit cuts and he might have told about Wikipedia at all. Here is what I think would have happened. He would have got some points to speak from one of his under secretaries who would have sourced it from his/her junior[who might have given what Wikipedia is rightly and might have given it for context due common "wiki" in the name, but might have been lost in grapevine] and hence the miinster would have got it wrong.

Though what the minister was being quoted is a valid criticism against Wikipedia, in all possibilities Wikipedia was never his target. I mentioned this confusion as Urban legand since even few of "Software Engineers" I met dont know the differences. A banner campaign will not only clarify Wikipedia is not associated with Wikileaks, but would also create a larger awareness(includes media and people from all walks of life) on Wikimedia movement(which is lacking to a large extent even among regular readers of Wikipedia in India). Banner campaign is very effective in India and we could see that in Wiki 10 celebrations.

Srikanth L

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