read 'an external body' instead of media in my previous email. I guess we have enough 'good experience' with non media communication as well.

I am the first customer of
woods are lovely dark and deep,
but i have promises to keep and
miles to go before i sleep and
lines to go before I press sleep

completion date = (start date + ((estimated effort x 3.1415926) / resources) + ((total coffee breaks x 0.25) / 24)) + Effort in meetings

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 9:08 PM, Jyothis Edathoot <> wrote:
Good points. I agree that it is better to provide a prepared release. Whether they want it or not is not our issue. 
Further to point 3, it would be better if the media channel is limited to the designated people. Rest of the folks could just redirect all queries to them and let the designated person talk for the project/foundation chapter ( Something like the way that we have in the meta identification notice board where The top reads "do not add users unless you are Cary Bass") . This will help us in putting a consistent  face and sound to the media. I am not saying that others cannot talk to the media at all, but others should not speak to the media on project's/foundation chapter's behalf. such an event can probably be quoted with a disclaimer that this is strictly their personal opinion and does not reflect the project's or chapter's stand on the question :-)

Jyothis. woods are lovely dark and deep,
but i have promises to keep and
miles to go before i sleep and
lines to go before I press sleep

completion date = (start date + ((estimated effort x 3.1415926) / resources) + ((total coffee breaks x 0.25) / 24)) + Effort in meetings

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 3:52 PM, Ravishankar <> wrote:

1. Whether they take or not, this will be a professional way for us to do. This will also be a good way to document our activities.

2. And if they take, it is a good chance for us to convey the exact message as it is. During the press conference on Tamil Wiki contest, while many magazines misreported, the ones we sent a press release published it exactly. When all they want is news and not views, the press release will help. If we can send a press release, even the magazines who didn't send their reporters personally will cover the event.

3. It will be good idea to elect / select and announce Spokespersons who can speak on behalf on Wiki in India (both language wise and on behalf of chapter when it is formed). This way media will be aware of the right people to contact if they want to clarify any thing.


On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 12:01 AM, Srikanth Ramakrishnan <> wrote:
while that is a good point, do you think the press still will take it? I mean, it's not what they get, but what they put into the final print.

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