A detailed workflow of Malayalam wikipedia CD is documented here (in English). http://shijualex.in/creating-malayalam-wikipedia-cd/

\\A) Whether we can include all the non free content on CD?\\

For non-free images we need to meet few criteria. See this for details https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Non-free_content#Images

But I found some of the images currently tagged as non-free in Telugu wikipedia will not fall under fair use license. For example this image. As mentioned in the above blog post it is better to include only Free-Licensed images in the CD. See the section "STEP 3 – Verifying the license of the images" in the above blog post. To be on the safer it is better to include only free images from Commons in the CD.

\\B) Whether WMF/WMIN  will approve the use of Wikipedia Logo on the cover?\\

Yes. Ask WMF/WMIN. For the recent release of the second edition of the Malayalam wikisource CD also Malayalam community took permission from WMF to use logos. It is advised to get permission before using the logos in the CD.

\\C) Any other precaution/disclaimers that need to be included on CD to prevent any legal dispute in future.\\

Yes. This is very important. See the section "Step 6 – Creating content for copyright, disclaimer, and other supporting pages" in the above blog post.


From: Arjuna Rao Chavala <arjunaraoc@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 9:36 AM
Subject: [Wikimediaindia-l] Use of Fair use messages from Wikipedia in a CD for distribution in India
To: "Discussion list on Indian language projects of Wikimedia." <wikimediaindia-l@lists.wikimedia.org>


As some of you have noticed, several Indian languages have celebrated/are celebrating tenth anniversary. Telugu language community is contemplating release of Telugu wikipedia content on a CD with appropriate modifications for School children use.  The CD is proposed to be distributed to all schools in Andhra Pradesh.

Out of 9053 (approximate) images, 2071 (30%) are non free images(mostly book cover, cinema posters, logos etc) .   We are looking for advice on the following
A) Whether we can include all the non free content on CD?
B) Whether WMF/WMIN  will approve the use of Wikipedia Logo on the cover?
C) Any other precaution/disclaimers that need to be included on CD to prevent any legal dispute in future.

As Malayalam community has produced a CD in the past and there have been attempts to produce an English School Wikipedia CD for India, I would like to hear from people with experience and expertise on these matters

Arjuna Rao Chavala
Telugu Wikipedian

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