When you are new to a Wikimedia project, you have to log in for a first time and accept cookies for that site. When you do, the user you just created will be included into your SUL profile. When it did not, you can add a new profile manually into your SUL profile. When your new profile is included, you will benefit from not having to log in when you move to another wiki.

On 14 February 2011 17:10, Swaroop Rao <raul.swaroop@gmail.com> wrote:
Using Google Chrome and Windows 7. Unified login on Hindi works for me.

Swaroop G Rao

2011/2/14 shirish शिरीष <shirishag75@gmail.com>
In-line :-

On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 02:38, Theo10011 <de10011@gmail.com> wrote:
> Unified Login or SUL (Single User Login) is a mechanism which allows users
> to use a single global login on most of the Wikimedia Foundation's projects.
> It allows to maintain a consistent identity across all linked projects, and
> no you necessarily don't have to login manually to each Wiki.
> You first need to Merge your account by visiting  [[Special:MergeAccount]]

Hi Theo10011/Salmaan,
             Perhaps I was not explicit before, my account is already
merged about a month or a little more back, still to reconfirm had
gone yesterday and saw it gave a thumbs up again.

 In fact, was little disappointed with [Special:MergeAccount] it
didn't remember that I had come and merged before. Anyways , tried to
access it and again was *not* automatically logged in.

Filed a bug on the bugzilla as well, will inform the list if, when, as
I get the info.

> to perform Login Unification. if your particular wiki is not allowing access
> through SUL and you have to login Manually each time, for example >Strategy
> Wiki does that from time to time, you might need to file a bug. Check with
> other users on your wiki if this is a consistent issue, and post on VP.
> For more information,
> read: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Unified_login
> Salmaan
> User:Theo10011

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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