hi Rahim,

Your first email to this thread did come from your personal email id. However, I do think that you should have stated on the email that you are taking this initiative as a community member and not as an employee of CIS. This is a practice that is common and standard practise among WMF staff who are also community members and it is worth doing so here as well as long as we have paid staff. The default assumption for any of your emails to this list currently will be that this effort is undertaken by you as an employee of CIS-A2K. If you are taking this effort as a community member, you need to state this upfront.

Your replies to community member (here - http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimediaindia-l/2014-May/011348.html) and elected WMIN EC (here - http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimediaindia-l/2014-May/011341.html and here - http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimediaindia-l/2014-May/011338.html) leaves a lot to be desired. There is a higher expectation from you since you are doing this work full time. Community members and WMIN EC are doing this on the side along with other activities an work and are participating because they are interested in the movement. It is not easy to balance these easily. This should have your consideration as a full-time paid employee. 

I have asked this question on Meta and you are free to answer there but I'm writing the question here for the sake of completeness of this email thread. I have read all the links on the page and have contributed to WikiData myself. I am no expert and I fail to understand what this Label-a-thon seeks to achieve. To give you an example so that you can answer better, an edit-a-thon seeks to improve an article on Wikipedia accessed by the general public. In a similar vein, what does this Label-a-thon seek to achieve? Can you please explain the same in simple words?

Thank you,

warm regards,
Pradeep Mohandas

On 18 May 2014 15:29, Ravishankar <ravidreams@gmail.com> wrote:

I am boycotting this only in it's current form as a CIS project which exploits volunteer work.

If there is a similar community initiative, I will definitely provide my token support.

Irrespective of this being CIS led or community led, I have a difference of opinion on the relative usefulness of this project.

Please note that Gerard has conceded that empty data items do get deleted in WikiData and you need to champion to keep this work in WikiData.

The right approach would be to work on creating articles related to this (even if they are stubs adhering to local community standards) and then proceed to WikiData.

From a local perspective, the language communities might prefer spending energy on their regional MPs than working on all MPs nationwide.

Please note that there is an ongoing discussion in Tamil community regarding spending limited volunteer resources on too many Wiki projects. There are people who oppose even working in less visibility projects like Wikiquote and Wikinews without improving Wikipedia first.

All these labels will only appear if someone searches regarding this in a Wikipedia search box and won't add any content to native language Wikipedias by itself. I don't see WikiData appearing prominently in search results either.

I am not against growing WikiData but there are other primary tasks we need to do first using WikiData. For example, do we have a WikiData page for all our articles? If not, that would be the first task we should take.

However, these are my personal views and volunteers can choose to spend their energy wisely :)


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