​Dear Rohini,

I have been on-board several Wiki mailing lists and closed emailing groups for a few years now,

​Congrats for being 'on-board' of several Wiki-mailing lists. I do appreciate kind of energy and efforts needed to to be on-board/to join Wiki Mailing List. Hats off to you for managing this brilliantly.  ​It must be difficult job to remain silent simultaneously on several mailing lists at same time.

but this is the first time I have been piqued to respond to such a 'discussion'.

​I have special respect for personalities like you who make special appearance ​on mailing lists to protect views of friends/colleagues, that too by keeping aside neutral point of view. This is rare quality, please preserve it.

​Great to know apart from putting up effort for being on(-board) mailing list - you also reply back.

As I see it, the Chapter has committed to transparency and accountability; nothing is wrong with it having some money of its own.

More than happy to know you also agree with me. I have already encouraged in-kind donation collection.

Most importantly - Its people like you who define mailing lists by special cameo appearance's. You expertise in maintaining silence (on several mailing lists!) and speaking up when needed are commendable.

​Keep up great work!  ​

​Best Regards,
Abhishek Suryawanshi,
On Behalf of Wikipedia Club Pune​

On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 10:21 PM, Rohini Lakshané <rohini.lakshane@gmail.com> wrote:

I have been on-board several Wiki mailing lists and closed emailing groups for a few years now, but this is the first time I have been piqued to respond to such a 'discussion'. Your efforts to prove what you are trying to prove are outstanding. I won't be surprised if Doctor Hakim (I appreciate the wordplay) is a troll or a sock puppet who has planted this thread to get the discussion where it is.

Almost every community member I have interacted with or met in person over the years has gone out of pocket for volunteer activities. I have known of community members refusing grants while going out of pocket, and I respect them all the more for that. Some of us have spent astounding amounts of money this way. As I see it, the Chapter has committed to transparency and accountability; nothing is wrong with it having some money of its own. When you become a member of the Chapter again, maybe you can help bring about as much transparency as you'd like.


On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 1:08 AM, Abhishek Suryawanshi <i.abhishek.suryawanshi@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Sunil,

Could you please share information about CIS supporting Chapter Travel expenses?

And Its nice and positive move, Great to see CIS continues to support movement in India.
Volunteers can devote their time in doing activities and CIS can support as per request.

As Chapter is shy/silent about acknowledging funding from CIS - Hope so your reply will clarify that CIS is there to support Chapter activities irrespective of criticism.

Keep Supporting, Keep Inspiring! :)


Abhishek Suryawanshi,
On Behalf of Wikipedia Club Pune


From: Srikanth Ramakrishnan <srik.ramk@wikimedia.in>

To: Wikimedia India Community list <wikimediaindia-l@lists.wikimedia.org>
Sent: Tuesday, 12 February 2013 11:31 PM

Subject: Re: [Wikimediaindia-l] why to donate

Membership under processing is differnt from memvership alreadt processed. INDI-31 is non existant and will remain so.

As for CIS funding, you still havwn't said where you have got the "information" from.
The Chapter has alwaya made things public and will xontinue to do so. If the CIS funds us, it will be madw public.

n Tuesday, February 12, 2013, Abhishek Suryawanshi <i.abhishek.suryawanshi@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Srikanth,
> I appreciate you keep a check of the Chapter Membership List. But at the same time I guess you will also respect the Chapter President's word. I have had a talk with Sudhanwa (President,Wikimedia India Chapter) and just two days back he informed me that my Chapter-membership is being proceed. I would like you to have or increase your communications with other EC members (or at-least with President) before claiming me or anybody else with allegations such as a 'Cheat' :)
> P.S : How does it affects my query about CIS funding chapter's travel for Board meeting or not ?
> Regards,
> Abhishek Suryawanshi,
> On Behalf of Wikipedia Club Pune
> On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 10:50 PM, Srikanth Ramakrishnan <srik.ramk@wikimedia.in> wrote:
> Just to  inform you that Abhishek Suryawanshi, who claims to be a
> Chapter Member with membership number INDI-31 is NOT a member. The
> entry currently doesn't exist in our membership list. Mr. Suryawanshi
> was a member of the Chapter during the earlier Financial Year and did
> NOT renew his membership. I hope the community is now aware of what
> kind of people it is dealing with.
> On 2/12/13, Abhishek Suryawanshi <i.abhishek.suryawanshi@gmail.com> wrote:
>> *@Karthik - *
>> *If you have a question, you can ask it in the form of a question *
>> Why Chapter is denying/ignoring fact flight tickets for members are covered
>> by third party?
>>  *instead **of making unsubstantiated claims on a public mailing list,*
>> Do you mean to say 'CIS is supporting' part is unsubstantiated? Then please
>> state who is covering travel expenses?
>> *which is frankly unproductive since it requires us to spend time to send
>>> out clarifications.  *
>> Could you please elaborate 'unproductive' term and 'sending out
>> clarification' part? What clarification is given? On contrary You are
>> putting up efforts to blur whole situation.
>> *@Sudhanwa - *
>> *> 2)Major Chapter Expenses such as Flight Tickets for AGM are covered by
>>> CIS.
>>> Absolutely wrong information you have go*t.
>> AGM word is wrong and Board Meeting is correct, right? Please correct if
>> wrong.
>> *> I am waiting for someone to answer simple query - How much money is
>>> required
>>> > for next year activities? and Which activities are planned?
>>> Grant requests are always on public wiki and the numbers are always
>>> open to all for discussions. You will find these details in the
>>> upcoming requests. Asaf has already indicated the same on the list.
>>> If you have any activities planned, please let us know. We will plan
>>> the resources accordingly (budgets, people etc) Same request also goes
>>> to all the people in the community. Please let us know what you want
>>> to do. We are here to support you in whatever best way we can. Do not
>>> hesitate to ask for suppo*rt.
>> It seems you are missing out whole point, I am talking about fixed expenses
>> and 'possible' activities. Like Board meeting travel expenses. Which can be
>> covered and are (already) getting covered by third parties like CIS.
>> So it makes more sense to spend volunteer efforts on outreach kind of
>> activities than running for money? specially when third parties are
>> interested in supporting financially?
>> When CIS is wrong, there is hard criticism, and when they support
>> financially - I guess there could be minimum acknowledgement?.
>> I think CIS may help chapter to cover other expenses also if needed. So
>> Chapter can focus on productive outreach and activities?
>> *@Dhaval - *
>> *> 1)Chapter is having 1.5 Lack+ Rupees in existing account. *
>>> *And what do you think could be done by that HUGE AMOUNT of 1.5+ Indian
>>> Rupees?*
>>> *I think chapter has its office in Bangalore and based on my experience,
>>> I know that any property requires paying off few bills, e.g. electricity,
>>> water, property tax, tel/internet (if it has got) and these things are
>>> not
>>> so cheap in Today's India as they were in my days of teen (20 years
>>> ago).*
>> That is base amount, Someone from Chapter might be able to answer exact
>> fixed expenses? Its always easy to find 'in-kind' donations as compared to
>> cash. Its difficult specially when tax exemption is missing. And it might
>> need extra efforts to run for money.
>> And why? There are people/organization which are taking care of expenses
>> already!
>> These expenses can be covered easily if there is clarity on 'what is
>> needed'.
>> I have already explained 'in-kind' donation concept, Please see :
>> http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimedia

Srikanth Ramakrishnan
Member of the Executive Committee
Wikimedia Chapter [India]

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