I see Tory responding to end her engagement on the issue, 2-4 days after she started responding on the talk page. I see a total of 4 edits from her this month, on the issue.


I left a question for Barry mostly, on the talk page. Do you think it was the right decision to have Tory do this report? If you recall, I mentioned why you didn't chose a community member or even an Indian to do the report about shortcomings of the education program for India? maybe in addition to Tory?

This was what I tried to allude to earlier- consultants, employees, generally people with paid engagement for a topic, leave after the said term of their engagement. They can not provide the ongoing discussion and engagement a community member can. 

I brought this exact issue up when this was first announced.


On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 6:45 PM, Anirudh Bhati <anirudhsbh@gmail.com> wrote:

Discussions on talk pages


Yours sincerely,

Anirudh Bhati

+855 975 529 803
Skype: anirudhsbh

On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 9:54 AM, Hisham <hisham@wikimedia.org> wrote:

On Jan 23, 2012, at 8:10 AM, sankarshan wrote:

Is the planned schedule/calendar for the IEP available ? One that puts
dates to specific phases of the exercise.

Not currently, Sankarshan.  Once we start the work of designing a new pilot - taking into account the learnings from the Pune Pilot.  This will have detailed schedule calendar.


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