
Cross-posted on the GLAM mailing list, Mumbai and India lists.

We're having our first GLAM related event in Mumbai, India on June 18, 2011. We're starting off with a talk/workshop by Shishir Jha, Project Lead, Creative Commons India and an Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. 

The talk is aimed at the Wikipedian and GLAM community to help both of us better understand the Creative Commons set of licenses and its nuances. I'm writing to this list for suggestions on specific set of CC-related topics that we should discuss at such a meeting that would help clarify concepts for both the Wikipedia and the GLAM community related to licensing. The GLAM community in Mumbai will also utilise this to understand CC and its benefits more clearly and use it to approach other GLAM institutions in Mumbai in particular and India in general.

If we have Shishir Jha's permission, we hope to video tape and upload the meeting onto the Wikimedia Commons.

Thanks in advance and warm regards,
Pradeep Mohandas