To what extent are the plaguey issues known? Without a very specific brief, a consultant is likely to be neither here nor there in resolving issues in preparation for what lies ahead.

Is it possible for the present team to carry out an ABC analysis of issues? At least that way the problems that need to be resolved with external assistance can be put together into a package.

Fool On The Hill
" He's still watching me watching you watching ...
And the way he stares - feel like locking my door
and pulling my phone from the wall.
His eyes, like lights from a laser, burn
making my hair stand - making the goose-bumps crawl. "
Jethro Tull: Watching Me Watching You (1982)

On Sep 3, 2013 2:09 PM, "Pranav Curumsey" <> wrote:
Its now almost 3 years since the chapter was formed. There are quite a few issues plaguing the current organisation, related to membership, functioning and our tax status.

The chapter is considering hiring of a consultant to look into these issues, provide remedies and implement those remedies. Should you be aware of someone who has experience and is good at dealing with membership based organisations, please do get in touch with us offlist. 

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