On a lighter vein, this will give a nice script for a conspiracy theory -

One cannot demoralize a wikimedian by peeping into the license of software which he/she uses to contribute wikimedia projects.

Rest assured, Praveen, that other than hoping that we will get enlightened by expressing their views, FOSS advocates have no agenda towards us non-FOSS Wikimedians.

You and I can continue to use Windows/proprietary software and hate brinjals in peace.

Warm regards,

Ashwin Baindur

On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 11:09 AM, Praveen Prakash <me.praveen@gmail.com> wrote:

On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 9:07 PM, Ashwin Baindur <ashwin.baindur@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm assuming good faith in thinking that you do not mean to accuse FOSS advocates of imposing their POV on Wikimedians in general.

Whatever! FOSS or Something else!
One cannot demoralize a wikimedian by peeping into the license of
software which he/she uses to contribute wikimedia projects.

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