Aww, bureaucracy!

I think 80G is nice to have, but shouldnt stop us. Also we are not probably looking at large scale(We would love if they come), but typically my equivalents to 5 10 20 dollors would 250 500 1000 INR for which most would not take trouble of getting receipts and eventually getting the benefit(Atleast the folks who do online donations) since the tax benefit would be negligible.

So my next question is without which are we eligible to collect donations online, would just like to know the bureaucracy around it? I now know the chapter can receive donations through NEFT[1].If we are good to go then the next thing to work out would be a payment gateway / payments partner helping us in giving options to various bank netbanking / credit/debit cards, ofcourse a decent API. The more the merrier. Also if we could get some sponsorship/deal from them in terms of the cut they take for transaction cost. People who have experience with online payment solutions can add their inputs.



On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 22:21, Gautam John <> wrote:
Hey Srikanth:

Timely reminder - but as always, bureaucracy is a stumbling block. 80G
registration takes a long time - we can only apply around 6 months
after registration and so this is going to take a while longer.


Thank you.



On 13 June 2011 21:28, Srikanth Lakshmanan <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am writing this mail to ask Chapter folks / Wikimedians experienced in
> Global Fundraising as to get some information on our preparedness to support
> INR currency in the Global Fundraising initiative which would be up later
> this year. I am under impression, Chapter is one of the pre-requisite. Now
> that we have a Chapter and that it has a bank account, I would like to know
> what else would it take to support INR this year. I would appreciate if
> Chapter takes this up as a key project(I dont see this listed currently) and
> helps in this since it is largely in legal / administration thing. I hope
> the community would always do its part, be it translating the banners,
> things which can be done by individual contributors.
> * Providing support to donations in INR is 1st priority
> * Optionally providing tax rebate under donations, would attract more
> donors.
> Regards
> Srikanth.L
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