On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 3:24 PM, Praveen Prakash <me.praveen@gmail.com> wrote:
But I wonder why all these activities taken so hidden? We are a community (or a community of communities), we've an active mailing list, but I didn't hear anything about such an active effort (may be i missed). Is there any separate communication medium? Or is this a special chapter for wikimedia English projects?

The page on meta wiki has had discussions for setting up the Wikimedia India chapter since 2005. This is not something that has happened over last year, but a continued effort from what were several failed attempts earlier. I have jotted down a brief note on the progress which can be read here:

But over the last one year, the people involved have shown tremendous commitment and worked hard, which is why we are here today at a stage where constitution of the chapter has now been placed before the community for their comments.

We reasonably expect that the membership would change as per the charter in order to facilitate the will of the community.
Hari Prasad Nadig
http://hpnadig.net | http://twitter.com/hpnadig