I think the question Shrini is asking is different. A public talk (not a musical or other such performance) is still copyrighted if the uploader has uploaded it as a copyrighted work. In general, the tak is always owned by the original author i.e. the speaker but the uploader only owns the particular recording in question. It might be a partial or full recording and might have background music added to the original talk. Contacting the uploader and requesting them would be an option but is a long shot. I’m only making a human judgement here as I’m not a lawyer myself. Those who are in this list can give a more accurate advice. :)


On Sep 15, 2018, at 9:54 AM, <pavanaja@vishvakannada.com> <pavanaja@vishvakannada.com> wrote:

Photo of a public figure (person) clicked during a public function or at any public place/event (like rally, speech,..) can be uploaded to commons under CC licence. Can the same logic be applied here?





From: Wikimediaindia-l <wikimediaindia-l-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org> On Behalf Of Shrinivasan T
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:14 PM
To: Discussion list on Indian language projects of Wikimedia. <wikimediaindia-l@lists.wikimedia.org>
Subject: [Wikimediaindia-l] [OT] Regarding license of a public talk


I have few queries on license of a recording of a public talk.


In YouTube, there are many videos of tamil public talks available. They are on literature, history, politics and more.


Though the uploaded did not choose the license, who owns the copyright?


The speaker

The Video recorder

The event organizer

The venue owner

The public


I want to make podcasts using those talks. I attend few events and record the same talk myself as audio.


Now there is no difference between my recording and the one on YouTube.


Now is it OK to upload my audio files to archive.org in a CC license?


If the license of a public event is any one of public license, shall I rip the audio from YouTube talks of public events, and release in a CC license?


Share your thoughts.






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