Nice Summary Ashwin. Thanks for uploading this.


On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 11:47 PM, Ashwin Baindur <> wrote:
Dear friends,

My presentation on the state of WikiProject India on English Wikipedia in WikiConference 2011 has been uploaded to Slideshare.

Please note that there is a change in the ratio I mentioned earlier, I had mistakenly added the GAs and A classes to the total articles for the comparison. The Wikipedia ratio I mentioned was 1 in 1,110 and it applied to featured articles and lists only. IT seems I had added all the FA, FL, GA & A class articles to get the sum 240 & its ensuing ratio which Icalclated wrongly as 1 in 374. It is actually 1 in 1198.32, which is worse than the Wikipedia average.

The changes have been made in the speaker notes with disclosure and transparency.

Warm regards,

Ashwin Baindur
A total of  240 articles, i.e. One in 374 articles, better than the WP average of 1 in 1,110, but not so good that we congratulate ourselves - remember that we are a coordinated, focussed WikiProject. (Stricken text which was spoken by me in the Conference, is  erroneous )
A total of 75 articles are of featured quality, which makes it 1 in 1198.32, which is worse than the Wikipedia average.

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