
As an outside observer, may I encourage everyone to try to keep this one thread about its one, original topic?  Abhinav, I found your responses defensive and distracting -- listing other issues and other groups about which concerns can be raised is a very poor response to *this* concern raised on this thread.  By all means, raise those concerns if you want to pursue them (rather than merely use them as distraction on this thread), *in a separate thread*. 

I encourage the WMIN EC, which is the body accountable to its membership and to the broader communities in India, to address Bodhisattwa's concern directly and politely, as befits an organization aiming to be representative of the entire movement in India.  *Please* don't respond with bluster, nor with [[whataboutism]].  If there was some poor governance or inappropriate decision-making involved here, just own up to it, apologize[1], and commit to doing better.  Everybody would appreciate you for doing the right thing.  

If the appearance Bodhisattwa's concern responds to is *incorrect*, by all means, calmly respond with the facts as they are and demonstrate to the community that there is nothing to be concerned about.  Also reflect on how that appearance was created despite everything being okay, and what can, and should, be done to prevent such appearances in the future. Thinking about this, and sharing your conclusions, would also, I dare say, be welcomed by the community on this mailing list.

I look forward to this matter resolving peacefully one way or another, but please, let us stick to the substance of *this* thread on this thread, and let us be fair and honest and avoid manipulative arguments and insinuations.



[1] may I humble offer an essay I once wrote on the power of apologies for our movement? it is here: 

On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 3:01 PM Abhinav srivastava <> wrote:
Hello Bodhisattwa, 

The first line of the mail which at 12:02 by Indian Standard Time, you stated, "I understand you are felling bad with my tone....I am sorry" . 

Apologies for getting this statement wrong, If I have. 

I would say, let us first address the point 1 which concerns response from WMIN. Other things can be put on hold and discussed, subsequently. I hope you would be in consent with this. 

I have received your mail concerning your Wikimania trip and allegations. I would like to re-iterate, neither then nor today, Wikimedia India pays any attention to those allegations. To my understanding (since I am not EC) Wikimedia India continues to have full faith in you. 

Rest assured, please be cautious, you are sending a little too many emails. I understand at times such issues happen but try and address them together. This would otherwise lead to spamming. 


On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 5:15 PM Bodhisattwa Mandal <> wrote:

Hi Abhinav,

1.       Now that Bodhisattwa has acknowledged on his inappropriate tone and it can be believed he would be a caution for future onwards and since the issue is in public domain, I would urge Wikimedia India to respond on this.

Sorry missed this part, 

Where have I acknowledged that my tone was inappropriate? I only said that, if you feel that the tone was not approprate, then I am sorry. To me, my tone and my question are absolutely ok. Along with many others, I have noticed a discrepancy and asked about the reason it in open mailing list, so that everything remains transparent. I had to name the person involved, otherwise the question seemed to be vague and meaningless. Everything I said in my first e-mail was hard fact, almost everyone from India participating in the conference knew about it and had the same question in mind. If my (and others) question is invalid, then why there is no response from WMIN, refuting everything after 6 days?
So, instead of diverting the topic, if we stick to and discuss the topic in which the thread was initiated, that would be great.


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