Continuing the money matters topic on the other thread, I am wondering if there is any control on the spending on the world tours of the techie guys at WMF.

They move around so much and the output is so less compared to their travel, i just have some nice laugh when I see their output reports on the "Wikimedia Hackathons / Devcamps in India / Asia"

Probably, WMF can fund some startups in India who can do a much better job in much less money.

OK. If some others are adding to this mail, lets generate more interest in this topics.

On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 11:18 PM, Harsh Kothari <> wrote:
Hi All

As everyone know that currently Wikimedia Hackathon 2014 is going on at Zurich. Tomorrow at 9:30 AM (Zurich) and (1:00 PM IST) we are going to discuss about Wikimedia Hackathons / Devcamps in India / Asia. So everyone is welcome to join this discussion. 

Here is the link of Hangout :


Harsh Kothari
Intern at Google Summer of Code,
Wikimedia Foundation
Follow Me : harshkothari410

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