Greetings everyone,

As you may know, CIS-A2K conducts Indic Community Monthly Engagement Call to boost collaboration among Indic-language Wikimedia communities. We are organising our next Monthly Engagement Call on 11 May 2024, which will focus on opening space to discuss and collect community feedback on the Wikimedia Foundation's Product & Technology OKRs besides opening space for community members to share their experiences and learnings from their recent events.  

Join us this Saturday (11 May 2024) from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM to participate in the discussion and share your thoughts with us.

Meeting Details:
* Date: 11 May 2024
* Time: 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
* Call Link:
* Etherpad:

For more details, please visit the meta page: Meta page (Indic Community Monthly Engagement Call)

Looking forward to meeting you all soon!!!

CIS-A2K Team