Good going Wasim, Ram and Pratik,  you guy have done a great job again. The best part is the instructor and attendee ratio seem to be good and they might have got a full fledged support from you all while editing. Thanks for using the prezi presentation!

A small request, could you guys take little more pain to rewrite the summary in little for formal way, I feel the overwhelming happiness in it as it was a women's college ;-)

On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 10:12 PM, Wasim Mogal <> wrote:
Hi Folks,
I am happy to inform you that a basic Wikipedia workshop was successfully conducted for the students of Cummins College of Engineering for Women(CCOEW), Pune on 4th February 2012.

The main purpose of the workshop was to  spread awareness about editing Wikipedia and to encourage the female editors. The program was conducted by (CA's) Pratik Lahoti, Ram Shankar Yadav and myself. The students were excited to be at the workshop and were present in huge numbers.

The workshop details, detailed report and some snaps are uploaded here

Please let us know your suggestions/Ideas to help us improve and organize such events in future.

Thanks & Regards,
Wasim Mogal.

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