Dear all, 

This is a slightly belated update of my experience at the Open GLAM conference in Serbia on 24-25th February. Held in Belgrade, the conference was one of the best events I've attended in terms of hospitality. I had a great time and thank the organizers WM-Serbia for taking special care of all of us. 

Regarding the conference, although it was more concentrated on local language programs, we had a few sessions in English where all of us presented on perspectives and on going GLAM projects in our respective countries. One of the key questions of the Serbian community was how to kick start their first project. During the internal meeting on the second day we discussed these questions in detail. I presented on the role of outreach as crucial to GLAM developments and how  a systematic approach is needed while working with or contacting GLAMs in bureaucratic setups. We've learnt that many institutions are already approaching them for talks. 

It was great to hear Adrienne and Cristina talk about their projects which concentrated on a variety of things including minor language communities, institutional collaborations in WikiAfrica, training for GLAM volunteers. We had wonderful conversations with Mile, Milos and Philip about their own community, how things are working, the need for more volunteers. 

You can find my presentation at the conference Wiki on Outreach and I have pledged full support and help in terms of documentation, sharing best practices and community building tips. Just to make a link to the Amsterdam GLAMcamp, we realized that only reaching out to cultural institutions and getting them to understand how GLAM works maybe a one time challenge, but it is essential to maintain community support and interest if we want to deliver results. There were presentations by Orsoya, Jan and talks with Kirill, hopefully summaries and translations of which exist on the wiki. 

A big thanks to Asaf for facilitating things, Mile and Ivan for impeccable hospitality and warmth, and all my fellow participants for the stories shared over Rakija. :) 

Thank you,
Warm regards