On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 7:04 AM, Arun Ramarathnam <arunram25@gmail.com> wrote:
When at the workshop, the girls began to create articles on Wiki, male editors were quick to pull them down. “This can be intimidating for anyone, and more so for girls.” Instead of spending the time creating a template to delete, she wishes her male friends would just “be more supportive” and encourage those who step in to what is surely a male-dominated world of code.

I don't understand how pages getting deleted quickly has anything to do with the gender of the editor.  Yes, it's more likely that articles related to Kate Middleton's ward-robe are likely to get deleted faster than articles on esoteric distros of Linux (an example Jimmy gave earlier) but I don't see how the above assertions make any sense.  It displays misunderstanding of the problem related to gender-gap (no, it's not Wikimedia-specific) and shows our projects in a bad light.
