
On Sep 24, 2014 8:59 AM, "Ravishankar Ayyakkannu" <ravidreams@wikimedia.in> wrote:

Software Freedom Day is a global celebration and education of why transparent and sustainable technologies are now more important than ever.

You may find an event happening near your place at


If not, you can start an event and gather friends from Wikimedia, FOSS and other Free Culture communities.

This is a good opportunity not only to spread awareness about Wikimedia projects but also a chance to network and win friends for our community.

I will be attending Software Freedom Day celebrations in Chennai on 27th September at Anna University Campus, Chennai.

More details can be found at


We have a stall registered already for Wikimedia projects.

I welcome the Wikimedia community in and around Chennai for this event.


Program Director, Wikimedia India Chapter.

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