Dear Wikimedia India Members and Community,

The highlights of Chapter Update for September 2011 are given below.

Membership Update

The membership base, as on September 4th, 2011, stands at 81 members.

Gender Male membership is at 68 corresponding to 84% and Female membership is at 13 corresponding to 16%.

Geographic location Maharashtra accounted for largest number of members at 30 followed by Karnataka at 26 and Kerala at 9.

Vocation Industry members are the highest at 28 followed by Student at 19 and Academia at 10. Others category has 24.

Preferred language as Editor English at 67 corresponding to 92% stands first followed by Malayalam 13 and Hindi 7.

AGM and Executive Committee Elections

Notice for the first Annual General Body Meeting to be held on the 24th of September, 2011 at the Centre for Internet and Society, 194, 2nd Cross, Dommaluru 2nd stage, Bangalore-560071
 has been sent by post and by email.

Simultaneous with the AGM, we are holding elections to fill three vacancies in the Executive Committee. We have six members standing for these three posts and all members who are members on or before the 23 June 2011 are eligible to vote and have been posted an authenticated ballot paper that can be used either by post or in person at the AGM.

More details here:

Chapter, India Office and Foundation Coordination

A monthly call between the India Chapter and the Wikimedia Foundation has been instituted and members of the Chapter EC, Hisham Mundol and Asaf Bartov will participate. The objective of the call is to share information and improve collaboration between the Chapter and the Foundation on various Wikimedia projects of relevance to India. The first call was held on Aug 24, 2011.

Outreach and Wiki Acadamies

We have been encouraged by the early response to Wiki Acadamies and there are currently three planned at the Department of Public Libraries, Bangalore, Thatzit Pvt Ltd, Mumbai and GCET, Greater Noida.

More information on these and on how to host your own Academy is available here:

We look forward to your continued support and appreciate all assistance to help expand our membership base and hope to see many of you at the AGM! Till next month...


Gautam John