Shiju, you and Subhashish have been volunteers but now you are paid contractors hired by the Foundation.  Any work you do within the purview of your contractual relationship with the Foundation will be work as a paid contractor and cannot be deemed to be the same as a volunteer. You can continue being volunteers once your contractual assignment is complete.  Is that so difficult to understand?

You are totally wrong. That is the difference between your involvement with wikimedia movement and mine. My involvement with wikimedia movement will be there even if this job is not there. So just DO NOT compare your wikimedia contribution with mine. As a volunteer I will decide which  all projects I need to work. Which means I still  continue to contribute to various wiki projects as a volunteer. I do not want your permission for that. Who had given you the authority to expel or exclude me from Wikimedia community?

Let me ask you a basic question. Are you with wikimedia movement for helping it or for screwing it up. I was going through the replies and your wiki contributions over the past few months. What is your intention in being with Wikimedia movement in India.

Shiju Alex

(An Indic language wikipedian)

On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 2:56 PM, Anirudh Bhati <> wrote:
On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 2:47 PM, Shiju Alex <> wrote:
I am replying to this mail as a Malayalam wikimedia community member.

Fact:  Subhashish, former volunteer, and now paid consultant with India Programs.

What do you mean by this? I Shiju Alex is a Indic language wikipedian now close to 6 years. According to Mr. Anirudh (an EC member of India chapter) I am a former volunteer. is this is the official position of wikimedia India chapter? As a community member I require an explanation for this.

Shiju, you and Subhashish have been volunteers but now you are paid contractors hired by the Foundation.  Any work you do within the purview of your contractual relationship with the Foundation will be work as a paid contractor and cannot be deemed to be the same as a volunteer. You can continue being volunteers once your contractual assignment is complete.  Is that so difficult to understand?

The difference is this: I am an unpaid volunteer who cannot expend the same amount of time and energy towards our projects as you are currently able to.
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