Congratulations Bodhi! So happy for you and I believe that the Wikidata community will get more hands-on support and mentoring from you now.


On Sat, Jul 20, 2019 at 8:18 PM Bodhisattwa Mandal <> wrote:

I would like to thank you all for your kind words.

Coming from the volunteer community myself, I understand how important, it is to grow Wikidata community and projects in India and how challenging it can be. 

Like many others deeply involved in WikiProject India and related wikiprojects, I have witnessed huge level of data ingestion related to Wikidata in last few years, thanks to our incredible Wikidata volunteers and trainers.

But still, this is just a start and a lot has to be done. Without active support from community members from all over India, it seems to be extremely difficult to overcome all the challenges. 

Let's build the project together in India.


On Sat, 20 Jul 2019, 01:08 Arun Ganesh, <> wrote:
Bodhi has been doing some amazing work with data pushes, very well deserved and excited to see whats ahead.
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