On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 7:40 PM, Anivar Aravind <anivar.aravind@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Noopur

I request you to not send documents encoded in secret proprietary format.  If you
want me to read the attached document, please resend it in a free document
standard such as txt, html, odf, rtf, pdf in that order of preference.

Anivar, here you go: https://textb.org/t/j2q5o68fc7/

I do not have MS Office either, but gmail helpfully allows one to view the document online and so could help you out.
We just
passed celebrating Document freedom Day (http://www.documentfreedom.org/ )
 As a known endorser of Open standards and FOSS , I hope CIS will assure all its
employees will follow the same principles.

polluted digital environment with secret, private and proprietary digital
documents and force other people to live in a dangerous ecosystem.
I request you to please resend it in a free document format .
Thank you for understanding.  Join us in the campaign to create a humane
digital society.


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Arun Ganesh