Hi Rahim, Srikanth

1. Thanks for the clarification. I will publish the form link in a separate mail.

2. I was confused about the form because, as an editor, I could see both the editable and the published form. Now it is clear. 

3. Srikanth - many thanks. This could be a big timesaver in a month's time. How do we go about it? Do you need access? It seems to me that the publishing of forms in several languages will probably need separate spreadsheets (at the minimum several worksheets in the same spreadsheet document). It would help to be able to compile a single shortlist reliably, drawing from each language set.  

4. This is the first time that a scholarship is being made available for a national Wikipedia conference. There are no precedents. The scholarship team will gain a lot if more active Wikipedians volunteer, and we are more likely to have a process that will be a model for future national conferences. Please do consider volunteering for this team. The next task ahead (in September) will be to vet the applications (which may well be in several languages) and award the scholarships, after which we will need to monitor the disbursement to awardees from the Conference Treasury, and ensure the accounts are submitted in time and correctly. All these things need good processes. 

On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 4:37 PM, Srikanth Lakshmanan <srik.lak@gmail.com> wrote:

1. The form is always publically accessible.

Click Forms -->Go to live form in the spreadsheet, copy the URL, distribute. This will open the form for anyone, but the sheet still remains private.

2. I understand getting /viewing the responses in spreadsheet will be cumbersome, I could write a script which reads the responses from sheet and shows in a page for reviewers to review applications.

Let me know if you got questions.

Srikanth L

On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 16:09, Vickram Crishna <vvcrishna@radiophony.com> wrote:
As members on this list are likely aware, a very limited set of travel/boarding scholarships are available for the WikiConference in Mumbai (November). 

We have created a form in Googledocs. It is right now in English only, but we have already asked for help in making it available in other languages, and hopefully this will happen soon. 

However, my problem is slightly different. The form leads back to a Google spreadsheet, so that applicants responses on the form can be collated in one place. I need to make the form accessible publicly, but obviously, not the spreadsheet. How does one do this? The form to be publicly displayed itself does not have a 'Share' button, although the spreadsheet does. So does the editable form, but equally obviously, we cannot make the editable form public either.  

Can anyone who is familiar with the usage of forms on Googledocs please mail me privately with the process to make the form publicly accessible?

Once that is done, I will share the link here on the list. At this stage, members may please forward this to indic lists on which they participate, in order to encourage people who would like to be present for the Conference, but are unable to consider it for financial reasons. Separately, the link will be published on Wikipedia to be visible to users from India. 

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