
Good work. And thanks for sharing.

Since in this we are calculating edits per day, new users per day, new articles per day, and so on, I feel it will be good if those details are displayed instead of the current total edits/users/articles. In fact for daily analysis that data is more valubale than total edits/users. I know for developers like you it is just one line of code. But for non-developer users like me it makes big difference. :)

Also is is it possible to get the data of number of users who do at least 5 edits per day. I know that makes sense only for very active wikipedias. But still it is a good metric I suppose.

Thanks once again for sharing this.


2011/12/26 Srikanth Lakshmanan <>
Hi all,

ar:User:OsamaK had developed a pywikipedia based bot to collect daily stats[1] and has been running for over 2 years. I had just "translated" it and started running for Tamil wikipedia here[2]. I am now looking ApiSandbox[3][4] to build queries which will get more data(Bot activity, number of users with atleast 1 edit on the day,anon edits etc) which might be useful to log and keep track on daily basis.let me know if some other parameter might be useful to collect.

Feel free to run this on your Indic wiki project and observe the numbers :) This can help notice sudden spikes on any parameter on day-day basis and help relate to some event (outreach / real world events)

Thanks to Osama for the base code, the english version of which is available here[5]. Please feel free to fork and and add to it :)



PS : This entire thing was a by-product of Bala's Doha visit when he interacted with Osama in the Arabic wiki convention and got to know of this. Apparently Bala learnt this from Osama and he learnt about wmf grant process from Bala :)

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