Hi Shrinivasan, 

according to a definition in Wikipedia, a Monument  is a type of structure either explicitly created to commemorate a person or important event or which has become important to a social group as a part of their remembrance of historic times or cultural heritage, or simply as an example of historic architecture. 

Roads, nature, scenery, people, shops, people materials does not qualify for the contest, while heritage monuments like  Thiruvalluvar Statue, Gateway of India, India gate, etc are the few examples of monuments. 

Do ping me for any queries :) Thanks!

On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 8:09 PM, Shrinivasan T <tshrinivasan@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks for the nice contents.

Need some guidance on what is a Monument?

Shall I take photos of roads, nature, scenary, buildings, statues,
malls, shops, people, materials, etc?

Please explain in detail in what is accepted as Monument and what is not?



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