Well as it comes to age, i do not think that its a barrier here. As it comes to sysop rights, i am the largest contributor to sa wiki and to pi wiki, where I am a sysop. Well for your information, I have been engaged in contacting organizations for collaborations with pi wiki. Then it comes to bot rights, it is just my AWB account so I can add stub template to pali wikipedia articles. And as it comes to oversight, what are you talking about. I know that oversight are for those who are above 18. And now the removal, I don't think that this right is not given to me, for your information, I have also made a admin policy for sa wiki. Its not that I did it to take a revenge or anything. HPN has been inactive from 2007 on sa wiki and made Mike a crat without community consensus. I also had a fight with him regarding his removal (sorry if he felt angry with me). And who say that I have placed a bid alone, just see the local team, you will also find Mayur there. And its a unofficial bid, who am I to place a bid, its just unofficial bid my friend. Well I don't understand why do you always classify users by seeing their joining date, not their contributions. I also wanted to have a workshop and a meetup before placing a request, and I have been in discussion about that with Mayur, but we need to know are people really interested in this so we can decide whether  to raise this issue. Well I don't want to have a fight here, I already had some. Sorry If I did some wrong, But Theo, why do you always disturb me, you also said ''Which right do you want now'' on IRC when I was just having a talk with a user regarding removal of sysop rights. Well If you have any problem, tell it freely to me.