
Recriminations haven't been without reason. As repulsive as they are, they've actually been fueled by anarchy of the way things have been taken forward in India by WMF right from the multi-million Rupee "India Programs" - much of it worked out in a very hush-hush manner.

Questions asked by the community members have either been suppressed or ignored.

Many questions still lie unanswered which is a shame.

On 15 May 2014 19:49, Samuel Klein <> wrote:
On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 3:16 AM, Ravishankar <> wrote:

> Both WMF and CIS want to build trust with each other forgetting that the
> community is the invisible / invincible third partner and stakeholder .

Actually, I think both WMF and CIS are primarily interested in
building trust with the community.  That is where most energy, effort,
and communication are directed: however unsuccessful those efforts.
Nice use of invincible, btw.

There is almost no communication or interaction between the WMF and
CIS : but when it happens it is brief and to the point; respectful,
low-key, and impersonal; focused on accomplishing specific tasks.

There is a far larger amount of communication and interaction between
both groups and the community: but with more recriminations and less


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