Hi all,

Wiki meetup Bangalore / WPMBL8 went on well last sunday with good number of people attending it and also had some very good sessions. We also had good media coverage  this time.[1][2]. If some of us were impressed by what google guys have shown us on translate[3], here is more news about something which is being worked by one premier institution in the country[4]. Lets hope translation becomes easier with more machine help :)

[1] Times of India / Bangalore Mirror -- http://mobilepaper.timesofindia.com/web/mobile.aspx?article=yes&pageid=4&edlabel=BGMIR&mydateHid=21-12-2009&pubname=Mirror+-+Bangalore&edname=Bangalore&articleid=Ar00402&format=&publabel=MM
[2] The Hindu - Bangalore Edition http://www.hindu.com/2009/12/22/stories/2009122250740200.htm
[3] http://translate.google.com/toolkit
[4] http://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2010/1/55756-automated-translation-of-indian-languages/fulltext
