
Joe Matazzoni (cc-ed) is the Product Manager for the maps improvement work, and wanted to respond on this thread. Unfortunately, none of his messages got through (most likely stuck in the moderation queue), and he wanted me to forward this on his behalf. Please find Joe's original message below, and you can send follow up questions directly to him.

Prior apologies for the possible repeats of this that may hit the list at some point. 


Begin forwarded message:

From: Joe Matazzoni <jmatazzoni@wikimedia.org>
Subject: [Wikimediaindia-l] Wikimedia Maps for all Indic languages Wikimedia projects.
Date: April 26, 2018 at 3:03:47 PM PDT
To: Wikimediaindia-l@lists.wikimedia.org

Hi Wikimediaindia-l,
I’m the product manager for Map Improvements 2018 [1], at the Wikimedia Foundation. I’m glad to see enthusiasm for internationalized maps! I have answers for a few of your questions. 

Naveen muses:
>I am not aware of the re-usage policy. Someone from WMF team should clarify...
Gladly. Our maps terms of use [2] state that we do allow use by third parties, though there is a concern about over-use, so we request that third parties "please respect our limited services and resources.” There are also some specific requests about providing info, in case we need to get in touch with you, and a caveat that: 
 We reserve the right to discontinue or change our service, block or limit certain users or applications, or take other measures in cases at our sole discretion at any time without notice.

So this is something that may or may not work for you, depending on how large and intensive your map service is. Please have a look at the terms or use if you’re interested in proceeding.
In answer to Dhaval Sudhanva Vyas’ question about seeing a mix of different languages, Naveen is correct to quote the Special Update on Map Internationalization [3], which is the best source of information on how this all works. I encourage anyone interested to have a look. 
You may also wish to experiment with internationalized maps on testwiki  or testwiki2 [4], where the features are currently working. And here is a page on testwiki2 that shows examples [5]. Later today, I’ll post a deeper dive into how our service interacts with OpenStreetMap data, and some of the anomalies that can arise from that interaction. 
So please give internationalized maps a try and leave comments on the project talk page [6]. Depending on the types of comments we get in the next few weeks, we hope to be able to release internationalized maps to all Wikipedias in the next month or so. 


Joe Matazzoni 
Product Manager, Collaboration
Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco

On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 11:26 AM, Naveen Francis <naveenpf@wikimedia.in> wrote:
Wikimedia Maps for all Indic languages Wikimedia projects.  


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