I am getting a bit sick of the hypocrisy here. It's the people that are employed, people in the position of power complaining to people who have nothing to gain. It's like any other politician, government babu, complaining about the aam aadmi being angry after an year of scams and questionable conduct. Do the people complaining have anything ventured? Do they stand to lose or gain anything? Yet, they should be the one to shut up and let the establishment get on with whatever it is, it has been doing for the years before.

Bishakha it's always enjoyable to have you appear on this list to protect the same interests again. I would barely see your comments on these lists if not for that. it was the office bearers last years when you argued to hold them to a lower standard on Wikipedia, the wikipedia community disagreed. My own feelings wouldn't be as strong here if I didn't know the actual spending, or the level of some people's involvement in the failed India initiatives or CIS and others having had other associations. But it's not like you are an elected representative of this community who should care about these things. 

Either way, I don't think you know what a "level playing field" is in the first place. It is the right to treat others as equals, and question as equals. They have the same right to answer back or not. What you are asking for here is actually the opposite - an uneven playing field. We should all shut up, stop asking questions, welcome the newcomers with open arms, and forget that there was any conflict. So, they can indeed be above criticism.


PS Bishakha feel free to avoid reading my emails from now on, or disengage all together. 

On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 1:13 AM, Bishakha Datta <bishakhadatta@gmail.com> wrote: