Thanks Srinivasan for sharing these pictures. Search for some library reference and you will be able to give name and description to the pictures. 
It is good that Bodhisattva is confident but don't get over-confident also in anyway. Even uploader is taking suggestions here.
If you don't mind Bodhisattva can I ask what are your experiences in handling national level photography competition? Why are other affiliate also not interested in this competition? Why ownership limited to two? Where is Telugu, CIS & WMIN?

On Sun, 9 Sep 2018 at 11:49 AM, Shrinivasan T <> wrote:
I have processed around 350 photos and added to a flickr album

Will add remaining on around 10-15 days.

Hope we can move to commons from flickr.

There may be few duplicates.
Will do more filtering before sending to commons.

Share your thoughts on is it okey to send these kind of pics to commons.

I am still wondering on how to give name and descriptions to all of
these,as I dont know the names.


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