Hey Tinu

I wouldn't worry too much about the errors.  It's a good article because it talks about the range of languages as well as calling out a number of editors.  Those are both strong messages.  Thanks, as always, for doing a wonderful job with media.

Hisham Mundol
India Programs - Wikimedia Foundation

skype: hisham.wikimedia
google talk: hmundol@wikimedia.org
twitter: @mundol

On Mar 25, 2011, at 11:21 AM, CherianTinu Abraham wrote:

+ more..
* Shiju and me are referred as Tamil Wikipedians. 
* Jim Wales instead of Jimmy Wales 
* 22 Indian lang Wikipedias instead of 20

Honestly, It is very rare we can get a completely error free media article , how much ever we help and participate closely. Can't always help it but unfortunately it is the way it is.  Sometimes they make lots of goof-ups that I myself is embarrassed to send it to the mailing list. 

However glad to see this article at least tried to cover Indian language Wikipedias in focus.

I was told, that the print edition is already available in Delhi, but for other locations, it may hit the news stands by the weekend.

Tinu Cherian 

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 3:29 PM, Gautam John <gautam@prathambooks.org> wrote:
Thanks, as always, Tinu. And sometimes, the journalists stiill get it wrong. :D

> And as Arun Ramarathnam, executive committee member, Wikipedia’s Indian chapter

Should be Wikimedia, no?

> That the Indian chapter of Wikipedia is now registered with the Registrar of Companies also helps greatly.

Eh?! Karnataka Registrar of Societies.

Thank you.



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