On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 19:47, Srikanth Ramakrishnan <parakara.ghoda@gmail.com> wrote:
You need to work with someone who knows the language to the purest of its form, knows it in and out, and also knows technology. I doubt you'd've come across MANY of those at either WCI or the Hackathon.

Irrespective of agreeing / disagreeing with other premises, I would have to disagree with you here.

While its *ideal* if we get folks who know "Language to the purest of its form + in and out of technology", I would lower the bar on either / both of it for the sake of more hands. My premise is Indic has a very tiny community, so any help is of great help and it was the same thing I talked at WCI towards end of my talk[1] (See last slide).

[1] http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AImpact_of_Tools_in_Indic_Wikipedia.pdf
