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From: Arjuna Rao Chavala <arjunaraoc@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 6:30 PM
Subject: Appointment of Nominations Committee for EC elections
To: wmin-members@googlegroups.com

Dear Wikimedia Chapter Members,

As per Chapter MOA, Rules and Regulations, elections are to be conducted to fill the Executive Committee(EC) vacancies. In order to do that, EC is pleased to appoint the following chapter members as members  of Nominations committee (in alphabetical order)

a) Achal Prabhala

b) BalaSundara Raman Lakshmanan

c) Pradeep Mohandas

The terms of reference for Nomination committee is as follows:

EC will provide the number of vacancies to the Nominations committee and extend all help to conduct the elections

EC thanks all the Nomination committee members for accepting the Chapter invite to serve on Nomination Committee. EC requests all members to extend their cooperation for smooth election process.


On behalf of Executive Committee,

Arjuna Rao Chavala
President, Wikimedia Chapter