Dear Folks,

I'm writing to update you on the community meets held last week.  (I had visited Mumbai, Pune and Bangalore along with Barry.)

First of all, thank you to everyone who came over.  Appreciate your time and also the educative, informative, engaging and wide-ranging discussions we had.  I look forward to carrying on these conversations going forward.  I also look forward to meeting up with the community across a wider set of towns and cities.

I also wanted to share some initial thoughts that I had.

a) Communication
I think it will be useful to open a regular channel of communication.  My current thinking is that this could be in the form of a monthly IRC, as well as periodic emails (probably once a fortnight, but more or less frequently depending on relevance.)  Would be good to get your thoughts.  Also, would 8pm (India time) for 1 hour on the first Thursday of every month work well for the IRC?

In addition to the above, my contact details are the bottom of this mail.  Do feel free to reach out; I'd love to hear from you.
b) Outreach
A lot of the discussions that we had were centered around outreach activities.  There were 3 stories that I thought were particularly insightful which I wanted to share with you.
These 3 stories are familiar to many of you, and they are but 3 of 100s if not 1000s of similarly awesome tales.  They are also illustrative of the kind of impact that outreach has.  Personally, I found them both inspiring and thought-provoking.  Here's what they have triggered in my head.  (...and I must confess I have more questions than answers right now!)
As I said earlier, I don't have answers to these but am excited about working on making an attempt at articulating these.
c) Other Bright Sparks
I'm also sharing these examples I heard of because they are quite remarkable.
d) Chapter Discussions
Barry and I met up with the Chapter and discussed how we can work collaboratively for the community.  
e) Next Steps
In terms of next steps, specifically with regard to outreach, I'd like to study past outreach efforts with Wikimedians and identify/design about 5 pilots that we can explore.  I hope to identify these pilots and flesh them out to the richest possible extent in the next two weeks. I'm going to request anyone and everyone to share examples that you think are relevant.  More on this in the IRC.
It'd be wonderful to hear your thoughts on these and any other aspects.  (btw, if you prefer to write to me directly, my email ID is

There's amazing opportunity for Wikimedia in India.  I'm excited and looking forward to serving the community to support taking Wikimedia project to even greater heights.

Thank you for your time.

Kind Regards,
India Programs - Wikimedia Foundation

mobile : +91 750 300 1971
skype : hisham.wikimedia
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