This is great. Cheers to all those who made this happen!


On 15-Nov-2013, at 6:16 PM, Pranav Curumsey wrote:

Congratulations, this is wonderful!

On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 6:15 PM, Gautam John <> wrote:
Wow! That's an amazing win! More power to you.

Thank you.



On 15 November 2013 18:10, Anivar Aravind <> wrote:
> Dear all ,
> Some happy news for all of us .
> The School curriculum steering commitee of  Kerala Govt's SCERT(State
> Council Educational Research and Training)  decided  3 majors points in our
> interest yesterday
> 1. SCERT is improving Book printing infrastructure by shifting from Adobe 's
> softwares to FOSS based XeTeX and free licesned fonts.
> 2. They will shift from ASCII to Unicode . This will also help in universal
> access for differentially abled via technologies like Text to Speech even in
> Malayalam Language .
> 3. The books will be licensed under  CC-BY-SA .
> Official Order is still pending. But I am posting this since it is already
> in media reports.
> Read a repotrt in TOI
> The Change will be applicable to all newly publishing books from now
> Starting from Malayalam Text books in 5, 7, and 11th standards
> Myself, Hrishikesh K.B and a team from Swathanthra Malayalam Computing
> ( are working closely with SCERT from last to help  them in
> initiating this change process.
> Thanks to Dr. P.K Thilak, Research Officer  SCERT , Director SCERT, and
> Biju Prabhakar IAS (Director of Public Instruction, Govt of Kerala )  for
> initiating this Change.
> ~ regards
> Anivar Aravind
> Secretary
> Swathanthra Malaalam Computing
> Ph. 09448063780
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