Dear Wikimedia Community,

We are thrilled to announce that some Movement Charter (MC) Ambassadors from South Asia are collectively organising an Open Community Call dedicated to reviewing the Movement Charter. Here are the links for the final draft of the Movement Charter and Audio Charter.  

Dedicated Meta Page for the call:,_2024 

Movement Charter:

Movement Charter Audio: 

This call is a crucial step in ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the Charter as we approach the ratification process.

Call Details:

Movement Charter Review Discussion

Friday, 28 Jun · 6 – 7 PM

Google Meet joining info

Video call link:

Why Participate? This Open Community Call is an invaluable opportunity for us to contribute to the future of Wikimedia governance. By participating, you can help ensure that the Movement Charter reflects the diverse perspectives and needs of our global community.

How You Can Get Involved:

Together, let's ensure that our collective voice shapes the future of the Wikimedia movement.

For any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.


On behalf of the Strategic Group