Heya guys, I think somebody like hari Prasad, Anoopan, or somebody with a high end phone, [Android/BlackBerry/iPhone/Nokia Eseries] et all, get in touch with Mani as that segment was completely left out by me, when we had our conversation.


On 1 November 2010 22:09, Gerard Meijssen <gerard.meijssen@gmail.com> wrote:
Hoi Mani,
I am now subscribed on a gentlemen on twitter that expressed really interesting and imho relevant observations about telephony and web sites in India.


The remarks are quite strong and are not limited to India. I would love to know a WMF reaction on this.

On 1 November 2010 17:04, Mani Pande <mpande@wikimedia.org> wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I am still looking for participants for the study on Wikipedia usage on the mobile phone. I am relaxing the criteria for recruitment, and I am hoping more Wikipedians will qualify for the study. If you read Wikipedia on the phone  (English and Indic languages) or have edited any Wikipedia on the phone in the last one year, please email me at mpande@wikimedia.org. Only readers are also welcome :) I prefer folks who read Indic languages on the phone.

It is really important that we conduct this study to provide the right kind of user experience to Wikipedia readers and editors in India on a mobile. Also, we need to understand user needs, experiences and pain points  to help Wikipedia grow in India. So please email me back, if you are willing to participate in the study.

I would ideally like to conduct the interviews over Skype, and it would take about an hour. I have provided some details of the study, please see below.

Thanks in advance

Interview Objectives

Find out whether mobile phone can be used as a platform for reading, editing & contributing, to the Wikipedia (English & other Indian regional languages like Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Punjabi, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada, Malayalam etc.)

Research questions: 

  • How is mobile phone being used as a platform for contributing to Wikipedia? What kinds of contributions are users making to the Wikipedia on the mobile phone currently? Editing already existing content, contributing new content, uploading pictures etc. What are the benefits? What are the pain-points? What are the drivers?
  • How will the role of mobile phone as a platform for contributing content change in the next one year? What will be different about mobile devices and networks in India?
  • How will the role of mobile phone as a platform for contributing content change in the next five years? What will be different about mobile devices and networks in India?
  • How is mobile phone being used for reading Wikipedia content? What kind of content is accessed on the phone? What are the benefits? What are the pain-points? What are the drivers?
  • How will the role of mobile phone as a platform for reading content change in the next one year? What will be different about mobile devices and networks in India?
  • How will the role of mobile phone as a platform for reading content change in the next five years? What will be different about mobile devices and networks in India?
  • How do outside trends/shifts in society, technology. Economy, environment and politics (STEEP) affect the emergence of mobile phone for reading and editing Wikipedia?  How do they affect user behaviors? 

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