Hi Yann,

I see that Commonist tool is bit faster having being used during Wiki Takes Mumbai early this year. Have you tried the same?

Find the tool here: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Tools/Commonist 

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 6:06 PM, Yann Forget <yannfo@gmail.com> wrote:

The ASI list is very incomplete. See for examples
What do we do in this case? How do we attribute an ID number?

Another issue will be getting the connection and time to upload all images.
With my 3G key, it takes 20 to 30 minutes to upload a full size JPEG
image (24 Mpx, 8 to 12 MB). I usually resize image to 12 Mpx which the
volume from 6 to 8 MB. Still it takes ages to upload HR images. During
the WLM contest, I could take 100s of usefull images, but I could
never upload them all. Has anyone an idea how to overcome the problem?



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Karthik Nadar.